How to add PayPal to your Dazzly website
/ Support / Guides / Ecommerce / Setting up PayPal with Dazzly
This step-by-step guide will show you how to add PayPal to your Dazzly Ecommerce Website. You will need to have an account with PayPal to begin. If you don't have a PayPal account yet, please visit PayPal to create one.
5-10 minutes

to your PayPal Developer account
Firstly, login to PayPal by clicking the blue 'Log into Dashboard' button at the top right of the page.
PayPal Login form. Apps & Credentials
Once logged in it should take you to the PayPal Developer Dashboard. By default, 'Sandbox' mode is enabled. Toggle the 'Live' button as outlined in red to switch to 'Live' mode and then click 'Apps & Credentials'.
PayPal Developer Dashboard API Credentials
This should bring up the 'Activation_App' section. You should see a Client ID and a Secret key. You can use the copy-to-clipboard buttons (outlined in red) to copy each of these into Dazzly as shown in the next step.
This shows your default PayPal app, Client ID and Secret key. Update PayPal settings within Dazzly
Within Dazzly, Select the Ecommerce menu, then 'Receive Payments' and then 'PayPal'. Copy your 'Client ID' and 'Secret' from the previous step into the 'App Client ID' and 'App Secret' fields in Dazzly.
Copy the Client ID and Secret from PayPal over to Dazzly. Create a Webhook
Back in the PayPal Developer dashboard, scroll down to the Live Webhooks section and click the 'Add Webhook' button.
Note: A Webhook is a way to help PayPal communicate with Dazzly.
Press the blue 'Add Webhook' button. Select the Webhook event
into the input box at the top. Scroll down the list of 'Event types' to find 'Payment capture completed'. Select this checkbox and Save.Enter the URL and select the event: 'Payment capture completed'. Get the Webhook ID
Once saved, it should show the 'Webhook' with a 'Webhook ID'.
After clicking Save, the new Webhook should show the 'Webhook ID'. Save PayPal settings in Dazzly
Copy the 'Webhook ID' from the previous step into the last field in Dazzly. As shown outlined in red. Click 'Save'.
Copy the 'Webhook ID' into the Dazzly 'Webhook' field. Publish
Don't forget to hit 'Publish' to update your website. After Publishing, PayPal should then be available as a checkout option.
Remember to Publish after making changes.