Tip #1

Put the Service Area Out There in Text/Images on your Website

When people look at your website, they're looking for a service provider that's close to home. Make sure that your local service area is mentioned prominently -- pepper those suburb or region names into your website text and include images featuring recognisable local landmarks. Not only does this reinforce your local expertise, but these locations are also picked up by search engines, boosting your brand's presence where it counts.


Tip #2

Setup a Google for Business Account & Collect Reviews

You can’t truly begin your journey to establishing an online presence as a local contractor without a Google for Business account. Collecting reviews from genuine local customers builds a reputation for reliability and quality. Pro tip: Include a review link in your email signature or invoice notes to make it easy for satisfied customers to sing your praises.


Tip #3

Ensure Your Website is Mobile Responsive

Most web searches are done on mobile devices. It is crucial that your website performs flawlessly on any screen. All Dazzly websites come out of the box with mobile responsiveness, which means your customers will have a seamless experience, no matter the device, and just as importantly, being on a phone, they are able to call you with just one click or simply by dialling your phone number.


Tip #4

Connect with Local Directories and Businesses

Building local links isn't just good camaraderie; it's smart business. Take the time to visit local directory websites or reach out to local businesses and organisations to get your website link added to theirs. It can significantly increase your visibility by collecting just a few of these local focused links.


Tip #5

Add Your Website to Local News Articles

If you're involved in local news stories, ensure your website address is included. This can drive traffic and boost credibility within your community. A mention in the news can be a golden opportunity, don't let it slip by.

Tip #6

Clear Contact Information

Your contact information should be crystal clear on your website. With Dazzly templates, your phone number, email, and other essential details are featured prominently. Convenience is key – especially the ability for customers to reach you with a single click from their mobile devices.


Tip #7

Use Your Website Gallery to Showcase Your Work

Show off your best work in your website's gallery. High-quality images of your completed projects will speak volumes about your work's quality, inspiring visitor confidence and encouraging them to get in touch. Our data shows that in some service industries, the customer will immediately browse to the Website Gallery, where their initial impression of your work and brand is formed.


Tip #8

Tracking Your Incoming Jobs/Leads

With Dazzly, managing and tracking incoming job leads is streamlined so that you can focus on the job while easily retrieving and managing client details as and when needed.


Tip #9

Website Articles as Free Promotion

Articles on your website are a form of promotion. Engage your audience with writings on technical topics and local interests or problems that your customers experience. Not only will this help carve out your space in the local market, but it also establishes your general expertise, which is useful for SEO.


Tip #10

Update People on Social Media

Social media is fantastic for instant updates, but it's not a replacement for a professional website. It's a complementary tool that, in tandem with your own website, forms a comprehensive online presence. If you're active on social media, a website is the next natural step.


Tip #11

Get a .co.nz Domain and Custom Email Address

Your domain name can significantly impact your business's perception. Opt for a .co.nz domain and custom email addresses to enhance your reputation and help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Tip #12

Utilize Signage

Branding is just as crucial offline as it is online. Use signage on vehicles, email signatures, and invoices to spread the word about your website. It shows professionalism and stability. Dazzly helps in establishing your digital footprint but indirectly supports you in creating a consistent and professional brand across both digital and physical spaces.


Your website is more than a digital business card; it's a hub that champions your business's success. Through thoughtful design, community engagement, and a synergy between your online and offline activities, your website becomes an extension of your workmanship and commitment to your service area.


We hope that you have found the above tips helpful for your service contractor website.